Friday 18 December 2015

Throne of Glass

Throne of Glass is a beautifully written young adult novel which is a poetic and entrancing blend of fantasy and dystopian. Sarah J Maas has crafted a brilliant piece of writing which I would now classify as a must-read for all lovers of young adult fiction.

The book depicts the story of an 18 year-old assassin named Celaena who has spent a year in a futuristic slave camp but is given a ticket of freedom for a high price. She is invited by the prince of her prosperous nation to fight as his champion in a life or death competition where the reward is the position of personal assassin to the king of the nation. Celaena accepts his invitation and embarks on an incredible journey.

There is only one way to describe the exceptionally written plotline which has been masterfully woven by Sarah J Maas; brutally beautiful. The base of the storyline, the competition, adds a savage, dystopian element to the plot which works particularly well with all other elements of the plot, such as; romance, mystery and fantasy. The storyline has so many little moments which Sarah J Maas captures perfectly. These moments are worth the read – you will never be bored. The magnificent plot will leave the reader feeling a whirl of emotions that they can only experience in a good book.

The setting, whilst not being a major part of this novel, is clear and the reader is never left confused. The world building is well-described yet succinct, leaving the reader with a clear yet uncluttered picture of the setting. Sarah J Maas also leaves room for further development throughout the rest of the series.

The characters in Throne of Glass are relatable yet unique and brave. The reader feels genuine emotion and concern for their wellbeing as well as being drawn to both the male and female protagonists. A distinctly controversial love triangle is brewing and the result is highly anticipated.

The stand out element of this novel is clearly the writing style. The poetic enhancements, mysterious fantasy aura and enchanting style creates of one of the most brutally beautiful books I have ever read.

This is an amazing novel and I definitely classify it as a must read for EVERY YA reader.

Review by Jess


  1. You have done well. The review sounds honest and evokes curiosity about book.

    1. Thank you so much! Feel free to request any reviews or posts you would like to see in the future.
