Wednesday 30 December 2015

Reviews You Can Expect Soon. January TBR.
This TBR is EXTREMELY tentative. I generally just read what I feel like but, whilst saying that, these are my top priorities for next month.
1. 172 Hours On The Moon by Johan Harstad.
This is the book I am currently reading and I plan to finish during the month of January.

2. Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen
I know that reading a classic is a commitment but I feel like January is the perfect time to do so as I 1am on holidays for the whole month.

3. Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea by April G. Tucholke
I was fortunate enough to receive this as a Christmas present. As a result, I would like to read it in January.

4. Eragon by Christopher Paolini
I was also fortunate enough to receive this for Christmas and would also like to read this in January.

5. The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
I have read several of the Sherlock Holmes short stories and would love to continue with the rest of them that are in my volume/edition of Sherlock Holmes.

6. Skylark by Meagan Spooner
I have been so excited to read this book and now that I am lucky enough to have it in my possession I cannot wait to read it!

I do hope to read more books than what I have set for myself but I just wanted to leave some choice for myself. I may not read all of these books - I may change them for others. However, I am REALLY looking forward to reading all of these books. I hope to review them soon after I read them.

~ Jess

1 comment:

  1. I found Eragon to be really good but you've got to say committed to it otherwise you might get a little lost like I did ;)
